Featured Listing

403 Oakhurst Drive
This beautiful Top Floor side unit condo offers 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms. Features include Private Balcony, In-unit Washer / Dryer, Master bedroom includes a large Walk-in Closet. Top Floor Light Filled, Beverly Hills School District.
ISCC Charity

ISCC Gala – September 11, 2019
We are extremely pleased to announce another record breaking annual gala. On November 9th ISCC held its 12th annual gala in honor and tribute to Mahak children.
At this sold out event more than 750 guests were present. ISCC was able to raise more than $1,340,000 which equated to annual treatment cost of more than 670 children.
The key note speaker for this event were Mrs. Fereshteh Tavakoli ISCC Founder and Dr. Javad Karbassizadeh Mahak hospital founder.
Our Esteemed speakers informed the attendees that ISCC in 2018 and 2019 was able to purchase more than 1 million dollars in medication and deliver directly to Mahak. They also expressed how life saving and critical the medications have been over the past year.
On Behalf of the children we serve and their families, we are grateful to all the donors, attendees and supporters. Thank you for giving the gift of HOPE.
I got my Marriage License in July 2005 and performed my first Wedding Ceremony on August 19th 2005. I will never forget that day.
Since then I have had the pleasure of being a part of many ceremonies and I cherish each and every one of them.
Fridays 3PM-5PM
This show is designed to entertain, while educating listeners and enhancing their quality of life, through interviews with guests from different backgrounds relating to the Iranian community and culture. Listener participation is included.